CBD Is a Part of the Future for Cannabis Travel and Luxury Cannabis Concierge Services
A Full Spectrum Look at The Future Of Cannabis Concierge Services And Travel
Cannabis seems to be making media on a daily basis. There’s talk of legalization and medical advancements. There’s also talk of the enormous economic impact cannabis is having globally. What once was an illegal industry has now budded into a legal one. The legal cannabis industry is worth billions of dollars globally. According to analytic data from Statista, the U.S. cannabis industry could be worth an estimated 1.6 trillion dollars or more. With cannabis legalization happening in places around the world, people are gaining legal access to this widely misunderstood plant.
This is increasing travel and tourism. Take for example Las Vegas Nevada where cannabis is legal both medically and recreationally. Las Vegas Nevada has one of the highest amounts of tourist visits in the United States each year. This number is only continuing to grow as more people come to enjoy the freedom of enjoying cannabis like they are unable to do in the many prohibition states that still exist nationwide. Learn more about the future of cannabis travel and the role luxury cannabis concierge services will play in the growing economy of cannabis tourism here.